Coming to know Christ Jesus is as easy as A B C.


Statement of Faith


The Bible

We believe the bible to be the inspired and infallible word of God, and we believe that it is the final authority for the believer’s life. We believe that it is profitable for all reproof, correction, doctrine and instruction, and that it must be both studied and obeyed on a daily basis in order to live a victorious Christian life. We believe that in the bible resides faith, which only comes “from hearing and obeying the word, which is essential for the Christian life. (2 Tim. 3:16) (1 Tim. 2:15) (Psa. 1:1-3) (Rom. 10:17)

The Trinity


We believe that God is the Creator and sustainer of all things, and He created the Universe, the world, and mankind. We believe that God created the universe to declare His glory, that He created the world for the dominion of mankind, and that He created mankind in His own image in order to have fellowship with God Himself. (Psa. 24:1-2) (Gen. 1:26-27)


We believe that Jesus Christ is the second person of the Godhead; that He is eternally God; He was with the Father in heaven at all times and not created and through Him all things are made. We believe that Jesus left heaven and took on the being of mankind through the virgin birth, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, that He lived a sinless life on the earth, healed the sick, raised the dead, was crucified on the cross for our sins, was buried, but rose again from the dead in a resurrected body. We believe that through His death, burial, and resurrection, He has atoned for all of mankind’s sin. (1 John 5:7) (John 1:1) (Col. 1:16) (1 Cor. 15:1-4)


We believe that the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost) is God, the third person of the trinity, and that He is the giver of life, given to the church in fullness at Pentecost; He empowers the saints for service and witness, that He cleanses us, applies salvation to the unbeliever’s heart, and is the guider/teacher to every believer. We also believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation. (Titus 3:5) (John 14:17) (John 14:26) (Acts 1:8)


Baptism, Healing, Resurrection, and The Rapture

  • We believe in The Baptism of the Holy Ghost subsequent to a clean heart. In speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance, and that it is the initial evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. (Mark 16:17) (Acts 1:8) (Acts 2:4)

  • We believe in Water Baptism by Immersion, and all who repent should be baptized in the name of the Father, and of The Son, and of the Holy Ghost. (Matt 28:19)

  • We believe that through Christ, Divine Healing is provied for all who believe by Faith that love the LORD. (Isa 53:5) Matt. 8:17) (1 Pet 2:24) (Heb. 11:6)

  • We believe in the bodily resurrection and eternal life for the righteous in Christ and eternal punishment for the wicked. (1 Thess. 4:16-17) (Acts 24:15) (Dan 12:2)

  • We believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the Church, and the second coming of Jesus Christ to reign forever on the new earth. (Matt. 24:31) (2 Pet. 3:10-13)